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Old 04-28-2010, 10:39 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Location: Glendale, AZ
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D-max - '04 Chevy Silverado Ls

Notch - '65 Volkswagen 1500 S

MTCHBX - '05 Scion XB
90 day: 40.41 mpg (US)
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What about all the diesel fuel burned to build new cloverleafs, roundabouts, etc. New intersections dont just pop up! I drive a 45,000 lb truck for work, it gets about 3 mpg. We have two for every crew, and this is just to repair electric utility lines!

Road construction must use incredible amounts of fuel to build a road for us to get 1mpg better!

Just shut it off and coast if you can, turn it off at red lights, thats how to save fuel!

I have two original peoples cars, a 62 beetle and a 65 type 3, they are cool but I'm thinking something based on the Yaris would go far.

Last edited by daring4; 04-28-2010 at 10:45 PM..
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