Previous: the "Daily Drive" thread - March 2008
So, went to Ottawa and back this evening (EV group meet up).
Lights, wipers, heater, soaked roads and 5 degrees C I was seeing about 73 mpg (US) with a 3rd gear P&G routine (45-70 km/h indicated).
Dropping down to a strictly 2nd gear routine (25-45 km/h indicated) was worth 110 mpg sustained.
Round trip was low 70's. I would have just DWL at the bottom of 5th gear for the duration of the trip, but I couldn't even keep it over 70 mpg - too wet, too cold. Hurry up warm weather!
Also think I confirmed: "pulse & bleed" is not a valid fuel saving technique at the speeds I tried (45-75 km/h indicated, pulsing in 3rd @ around 20 mpg, bleeding down at around 75-80 mpg).