First you wrote this:
Originally Posted by CapriRacer
Sorry, but the steel belts are neither radial nor circumferential. They are at about a 15° angle. And while the belt slows the “arching” affect down, it does not prevent it from happening.
Then I posted the diagram. Then you posted this:
Originally Posted by CapriRacer
I hope you understand that I am not singling you out for ridicule, but you've just demonstrated a point well worth repeating - and that is being careful to really understanding what it is you are looking at:
Notice the "steel belts" - they are sort of white. What direction do the cords in the belt appear to go? The cords look like black lines.
Oh, I know what I'm looking at. Those are woven steel wire belts that run around the circumference of the tire. The individual wires are angled, yes, but as a whole they run around the
circumference of the tire.
And that, my friends, is one of the problems with the internet. You can find a web page to support almost any position you take:
I agree there is a difference between some guy's opinion and solid, good information. That's why I found scientific and government studies as well as textbook references that support my positions.
You have yet to do so. For now I will have to treat your opinion the same as I do "some guy" although since I have found information that supports Sgt. Stockton's opinion, I am inclined to mostly believe his opinions on driving at max sidewall.
Vortex generators are old tech. My new and improved vortex alternators are unstoppable.
"It’s easy to explain how rockets work but explaining the aerodynamics of a wing takes a rocket scientist.