(Basing off small block chevy knowledge) The basic rule of thumb is 2-3k rpm for 20 minutes. Use break in oil. Do not IDLE! This is very important, as the goal is to keep oil PSI high while the cam(s) are breaking in. If you must shut the car off and restart, make sure to get it back up to speed the moment it cranks. Vary the RPM a little here and there. After 20 minutes, you're good to let it idle and drive. There's debate on how to break in piston rings it seems, some say go easy, some say go hard. The general consensus is to be pretty easy on it, and engine brake to help force the rings to seat.
Honestly with eco-driving there's little worry of being too hard on it. I don't remember the oil change intervals, though. Something like 500, 1000 miles, and then you can switch to what oil you'd like to stick with and use regular intervals.
Used this method on a friend's '75 Camaro with a fresh 350 SBC, and so far so good.