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Old 05-05-2010, 03:03 PM   #101 (permalink)
Grrr :-)
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Levittown PA
Posts: 800

Cherokee - '88 Jeep Cherokee
90 day: 19.44 mpg (US)

Ryo-Ohki - '94 Geo Metro Xfi
90 day: 50.15 mpg (US)

Vger 2 - '00 Plymouth Grand Voyager SE

Ninja - '89 Geo Tracker
90 day: 30.27 mpg (US)
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Thanked 31 Times in 25 Posts
oh i had too when I realized I had a voyager :-)

ok next fill up. this is NOT ideal driving mind you. fully half the tank of gas was used doing census work driving ie all stop and go drive .1 .2 .5 1.5 2 miles turn it off another .2 mile turn it off 500 yards turn it off etc. alllll day long.

add in a trip to moyerstown 180 miles in that storm cooking it at 60+mph (had work the next day) then a trip my normal route to 08215 and back 110 miles

I was NOT easy on it.

I drove 496 miles and aded exactly 9.0467 gallons of gas (yes I am measuring it that precisely I fill it till it spills parked in the same spot every time) so I know I have an even consistent fill.

54.82 mpg Oh YEAH - I know I am going to break 60mpg this summer. NO doubt.

I have enough fuel for 2 more maybe 3 more E0 fills then I go back to E10 for a few tanks and then I get some more E0 and we shall see what we shall see

the data is pretty darned conclusive at this point.

these numbers are SO massively different there is no change that I am screwing up anything or driving the difference. In fact I am intentionally hard on it with E0 and gentle on it with E10. I want to REALLY be sure its the fuel doing this.

I need other people to start testing this and taking details notes. ESPECIALLY people in Pennsylvania the first state I am going to attack since its my state and they plan to BAN the sale of E0 come September.

I MIGHT have some inside contacts with higher ups. BUT before I waste their very valuable time I need REALLY solid data and preferably from more than just me.