And 30 MPG better than Sentra's Sentra, and 23 better than his XB.
What bothers me the most is why we ecomodders, who should have the same objectives, seem to fall into the same pothole of slinging crap at each other.
It's a big turnoff to me to read some of the garbage, and I am sure it is to those who come here to learn.
The OP's observation was some of the new cars have better EPA ratings for autos than for manuals. Again we see a thread evolve into useless name calling and character assassination.
Why bother coming here to post my observations?
Sure I can use all the hypermiling techniques to double my mileage in a manual car, as long as I am willing to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve that goal (including illegal activities), and the car itself was not built with high mileage as its prime reason for existence.
When you assume that is my goal, you are making ass-umptions you can not justify with the facts you have available.