Hi Robert,
Originally Posted by RobertSmalls
Or when you consider that power plants can only produce electricity at 30-40% efficiency *, it's 13.4KWh/gal, or 89mpge. Still impressive.
And don't judge it just by the amount of energy it consumes. America's fleet could use a little bit more flexibility when it comes to energy sources.
The "straight" energy conversion is ~33.4kWh/gal (depending on the type of gasoline you are assuming). If you are going to make electricity "account" for losses of generation and the grid, etc. then you need to do the equivalent thing for gasoline, right?
Energy is used for: exploration and development, drilling, transportation, refining, then more transportation, and then even the electricity to run the gas pump! Of course, you would then also include the equivalent for electricity -- but, if you do a source-to-wheels comparison, I think that electricity will still be the better way to go...