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Old 05-09-2010, 08:44 AM   #81 (permalink)
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: maine
Posts: 758

oldscoob - '87 subaru wagon gl/dr
90 day: 47.06 mpg (US)
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the little nissan 6. my uncle had one in a 40 foot lobster boat. Is id funny what people do with diesel, even call them gutless.

the first datsun (top video) is setup correct. the bottom one is missing advance (oem retarded).. a little boost would go a loong way in the little car.

I pondered diesel in a 3 main boxer. I went though a spell of wrong fuel, and it burned it. even took on the rattling valvetrain of diesel. As if 137 ft pounds sucking through a straw at 45mpg on 87 octane wasn't amazing... waht would the true balanced engine do with diesel. ... cross the line of unbelievable and get killed? that would be just like the 3 main boxer on gas.

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