Originally Posted by brucepick
Hey, how did that work out?
I set the display into front panel of Radio Shack case first, a lot like what you showed - then I had problems.
My carpool buddy who knows way more elect. than I do said to set it into the main part first using small tube type standoffs + screws, then set on the faceplate. I'm doing a rebuild soon but not sure which way I'll go.
Hmmm - I just saw rmccomiskie's pics here, that looks like a good way too.
see link
It was a tight fit into that box, trimmed some off the boards and some from inside the box. Plans were to mount it perm. some where in the car but have been having too much fun EOC'ing! It does work good in there but I should put some ventilation in it like you have done, we got to 100 deg yesterday!
What problems did you have?