Yes, its vinyl exterior siding. One by one my wife and kids are less and less inclined to be seen riding in my car! Good, less dead weight to carry around!
The raw materials. Original on left, bottom half of siding used as front of spoiler, top half slide in behind after front is attached to car to increase rigidity.
ProtoType1 Front View:
Leftside view of end:
I cut "tabs" into the plastic bumper cover and the lip from the siding is slide under these tabs. On the ends I simple cut a slit in the bumper cover and the edged of the side is insert into it. This creates a bowed length of siding that is "stuck" in/under the edge of the bumper cover.
RightSide view of end, notice how the top piece of siding has been flipped over and slide in behind the front top half. That made it 3 or 4 times as rigid as just the one length of siding.
I am adding brackets right now. 1 at each end of the lower fairing opening and 1 at each end before the wheels.
It is getting quite strong and rigid.
Need input from aero experts on how/where to cut the ends.
More pics later.