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Old 06-10-2010, 05:31 PM   #38 (permalink)
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Why waste the time it takes to respond.

Millions of feet of hydraulic lines and hundreds of thousands of cylinders doing nasty work every day. Construction, mining, even 0 turn lawn mowers, body shops that bend your car like a piece of spaghetti. This world would be much different without the existing, very mature, and utterly dependable use of hydraulics for hundreds, even thousands of different operations.

Got an single example of an explosion in the last 20 years.

Try some research into the subject before you make such statements that have absolutely no basis in any factual evidence.

In fact some hydraulic systems even operate on non petroloeukm based fuids, like glycol, or water. Spill some on the ground (water) and it just evaporates.

Use the same logic on your 400 pound battery that just got spread all over a major intersection.

Do you ride around on a mtorcycle with an engine hitting 11k RPM. OH GOD! It's going to explode and cut you in half!

How about the 20 pound flywheel in you sidewainder FWD car at say 8 k RPM. Ought to slice you in half.

How about the energy content in 15 gallons of gasoline you are carrying around with you in a metal can?

Name a single injury or death directly attributable directly to escaping hydraulic fluids.

geezus, do some research.

Sorry Robert I posted this reply without seeing yours just prior to mine.

It just burns me up to have to read some of the rubbish I see about hydraulics, while people fall all over themselves raving about electric drives and high capacity electrical energy sources, like their is no risk involved in having a 100 million electric cars running down our roads, with 400 pound barrteies in each one.

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