Hi everyone (and excuse my English, it hasn't been exercised for a few years)!
I am new to this whole eco-driving thing, although I am and have always been interested in different kinds of optimization. Only earlier it have been in terms of power and performance (not owned any fast cars though, mostly this manifested itself in tuning and modding mopeds when I was that age). I am not sure if I am going to do any mods (at least not any heavy mods) to my car now either, but I am interested in the subject nonetheless
My girlfriend and I just bought a 1999 Chrysler Grand Voyager, equipped for wheelchair transport (my gf is the one in the chair). This combination of a heavy, lesser motorized car (weighs about 2300kg/5070lbs with us two in, 2.4L, 4speed automatic), which rides high with a soft suspension (about 5cm/2in higher than factory due to lowered floor/air suspension) does not exactly send me on a "power trip", so i found that honing my driving skills for maximum comfort and economy is the way to go to keep things interesting.
I have not recorded any data on fuel usage so far as this car is new to us, but I will keep records from now on. I have also ordered a ScanGauge II, can't wait to get it (I'm a gadget freak!).
Unfortunately, the roads around here (as in most parts of this country) are rather tight, twisty and hilly, and I will probably never see real awesome MPG's, but at least the hills and turns make for a more exciting drive
We're going on a road trip to Paris this summer, though, it will be interesting to see the difference in fuel economy on the continental European highways vs Norwegian roads.
Any tips or comments? Please post