I was going down a busy street in brewer maine...looked over at a quick lube I worked at as a teen in the early 90s (over 2000 faultless servicings)

Someone tried to make it a curtain shop..but the other day
noticed it had become a "citgo oil lube"..and there was a little car on the lawn as if to be a raffle. Nice to see bigger money took over with a brand name... maybe I'll go check to see if they need a part time manager. (local, citgo is a "good" on the gas station ok list)
going back checking for part time 17 years later just as hopeless as a starving teen...
I remember 110 car days, me being one of two pitmen. if someone makes a mistake, its like a pilot crashing an f16....the quantity was a damn blur for some of those workers. It brke every labor law known to a waiter, and got away with it...
I only saw manufactured mistakes (bad oil filters rare..pcv bad all the freakin time) , no user errors, except computers.
as I said..glad to see a big brand name attempting it. I am interested.