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Old 06-24-2010, 07:22 PM   #120 (permalink)
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(5) A retail dealer, nonretail dealer or wholesale dealer may sell or offer for sale gasoline that is not blended with ethanol if the gasoline is for use in:
(a) An aircraft:
(A) With a supplemental type certificate approved by the Federal Aviation Administration
that allows the aircraft to use gasoline that is intended for use in motor vehicles;
(B) Issued a type certificate by an aircraft engine manufacturer that allows the aircraft
to use gasoline that is intended for use in motor vehicles;
(b) An aircraft that has been issued an experimental certificate, described in 14 C.F.R.
21.191, by the Federal Aviation Administration and that is required by the manufacturer¢s
specifications to use gasoline that is intended for use in motor vehicles;
(c) A light-sport aircraft, as defined in 14 C.F.R. 1.1, that is required by the manufacturer
¢s specifications to use gasoline that is intended for use in motor vehicles;
(d) A vintage aircraft, as defined by the Oregon Department of Aviation by rule, that is
required by the manufacturer¢s specifications to use gasoline that is intended for use in
motor vehicles;
(e) An antique vehicle, as defined in ORS 801.125;
(f) A Class I all-terrain vehicle, as defined in ORS 801.190;
(g) A Class III all-terrain vehicle, as defined in ORS 801.194;
(h) A racing activity vehicle, as defined in ORS 801.404;
(i) A snowmobile, as defined in ORS 801.490;
(j) Tools, including but not limited to lawn mowers, leaf blowers and chain saws; or
(k) A watercraft.
That's part of the text of Oregon's ethanol mandate, showing specific exemptions from E10 use. Here's the text of the quoted law here: . The other bills are HB 2210 and HB 3400.

However, a local farmer's co-op has no problem filling my car with E0. Just in case, I have gas cans that hold enough to fill my tank.
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