If ...
Originally Posted by Phantom
If the HHO system works he should be able to ignite the gas with a flame to atleast show that there is energy there.
if the HHO system "works" it would have to produce MORE energy than is used to separate the water into hydrogen and oxygen
which it does not and can not .
the energy to split the water is taken from the car's charging system which in turn is derived from increasing the amount of fuel the engine burns because , there is no free lunch or free energy .
therefore HHO takes more energy to Make than it releases when added to the engine for
a NET LOSS of energy
and as an added bonus the HHO brings with it , nasty byproducts of electrolysis to the engine - which do NOT enhance overall engine life .
and for only $700 , such a deal .
Last edited by mwebb; 06-30-2010 at 01:15 AM..
Reason: spelling