Originally Posted by SVOboy
While I'm sure you had an interesting night, this forum doesn't exist for you to revel in the way you deal with certain events. Not to go into what is said in that post, but as a cyclist and a person, I was shocked at the blatant disregard for human life that posed and at the fact that if I was involved in a road altercation with you I would likely be run over and killed
I'm an avid cyclist..
I'm the guy that looks to the right when turning left down a one way street to make sure a cyclist isnt in the crosswalk comming from the opposite direction because i remember too many close encounters..
My topic was within guidlines according to the area..
What you dont understand is when you have a firarm pointed at you by a person on a bicycle, my life was in jeapordy and I was forced to face my own mortality, so I used my truck as a weapon in self defence.
had I have swerved away from him, he could have gotten a better lock on me and i would have been killed..
Your young and dont understand this, its plain to see..
I'm guessing your in your late teens early 20's..
I'm not holding that against you at all, just an observation..
I was sharing my experience, you used your opinion
to kill my thread because of your own personal beliefs.