From Facebook:
Illuminati Motor Works We have returned from MIS victorious: friendships renewed, people educated about the true MPGe & range capable by EVs, and industry-leading VIPs squealed like little girls when driven in Seven.
Granted, Kevin was throwing them about in tight circles, burning rubber on the pavement, and spinning Seven at close to 0.9G, b...ut I swear everyone was giddy w/ excitement & not screaming to be let out of the car.
Oh, and we'd like to thank everyone for not puking in the rear-facing back seat. As the night wore on, the open bar made that a bit of a concern.
PIAXP knows how to put on a party!

Wolfgang of TW4XP and Kevin Smith of IMW pose after taking a wild ride in Seven.

One EV towing another! IMW Seven tows the much heavier Tango across MIS to the weigh-in station before a race. (All cars must be pushed or towed to the start line in order to accurately measure fuel usage during the race).

Kevin Smith and Eric Lane in front of the Aptera trailer.

Seven's dealership window sticker was a big hit.

Rick Woodbury and his Tango, waiting in the staging area for the next test.