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Old 08-08-2010, 07:47 AM   #29 (permalink)
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The Q Sold - '02 Infiniti Q45 Sport
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blackie - '14 nissan altima sv
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Most mid to upper end cars actually have a thermostat for the a/c. I can digitally set a number and the fan will reduce and the a/c get 'warmer' if I go from 65 to 74 degrees.
when I first get in everything is going full blast but after a few minutes the a/c reduces and just keeps it at the temp I set.
actually as i think back, most cars have some type of temp control. Some just a silde others are digital. But the a/c isnt just blowing the coldest air it can make all the time.
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First: ScangaugeII

Second: Grille Block

Third: Full underbelly pan

Fourth: rear skirts and 30.4mpg on trip!
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