Hope to convy how important having a ScangaugeII is in achieving better mileage with this thread.
(note: I have had my sc & gps for over 2 yrs and 80k miles. I have probably had them in 2-3 different locations.)
1. Needless to say, and most agree, the most important part of better mileage is "adjust the nut befind the nut". Overall attitude change is required to overcome all the negative feedback (fingers and honks!!) we recieve. One of the key ways to change you attitude is to increase the immediATE Feedback of information.
2. some beginners like to use the tank to tank fillup method to gauge their increased mpgs. While it is exact, it is very delayed in the gratification of a job welldone. It is crucial in improving your mpgs that you recieve instant feedback. While some cars do have an mpg screen (my infiniti Q45), a scangaugeII will also give you:
a.) more exact info - because of calibration
b.) more specific info - sc reads 24 fuctions
c.) ability to get aba test results
3. When calibration the scII, try to use a gps device for the miles traveled instead of your odometer. THe gps will be the closest. ALSO, switch the gps and sc to the metric mode when calibrating. It give a more precice reading than miles. After setting the sc, then switch back to miles.
4. I am a firm believer in mounting the SC within the same 'eye field' as your other dash gauges.
a.) Safty! you really dont want to be looking down to the consol for info
b.) you will use it more if you can see it easily.
c.) keep it out of the direct light of the windshield. you eye has to refocus to see the sc and then refocus for the reduced light on the screen. this can really cause eye stain over time.
d.) mount securely so you can hit the buttons with eaze and the sc doesnt move.
e.) ideally mount in such a way to reduce theft
Here is a photo of the dash cover I built to reduce the glare and make my sc and gps less of a temptation to steal
prior locations: (caused me to look around too much!)