Organic Gardening, Modern Homesteading, Renewable Energy, Green Homes, Do it Yourself Projects ? MOTHER EARTH NEWS
MOTHER EARTH NEWS will be holding a fair near Pittsburgh at the end of September. The eco-fair will focus on renewable energy, clean transportation, sustainability, and more!
I will be giving a presentation on HOW TO BUILD YOUR OWN ELECTRIC CAR: CHEAP, on Saturday, Sept. at 2PM. I will also be on the GREEN TRANSPORTATION PANEL, immediately following at 3PM (final times still subject to change)
No, I won't have the Electro-Metro out at the event, but I will have plenty of BUILD YOUR OWN ELECTRIC CAR DVDs there!
If any Ecomodders will be in the area, come on out and see the Green Transportation exhibits.
If anyone shows up in an Ecomodder T-shirt, come see me and get half off the price of the DVD set.
See details on the event at their web page:
Organic Gardening, Modern Homesteading, Renewable Energy, Green Homes, Do it Yourself Projects ? MOTHER EARTH NEWS