euromodder , thanks for the tip on the chain. I sorta figured it was shot but nice to know for sure. In any event it would be too short for the new drive setup.
Automcdonough , no need to worry i've about a half dozen experienced biker friends who are all volunteering to do the initial tests! I'll make sure i get correct training before hitting the roads..........oh that sounds sore

Initial plan is to run the motors side my side and couple them with a short length of bike chain. I'll be keeping the weight as low as possible. The controller and charger etc will be up top. Original fuel tank will be going back on with its bottom cut out to house the new bits.
Just in after assembling the first motor. Of the two I got from the forklift place only one worked on test. I took the dead one apart and found all the brushes stuck and the com in bad shape. Took it to a local engineering works (guys that understand dc motors fortunatly) and they cleaned up the com and turned the shaft to 19mm. I spent a week of evenings cleaning out the com slots but obviously didnt do a good enough job. On first test the motor turned slowly and sucked amps. So i took it apart again and used a dremel with a .8mm milling cutter to get the slots perfect. Reassembled and hit the power. It nearly jumped off the bench with the torque and spun up to a nice steady whine
Motor number two will be getting the same treatment next week. I also machined off most of the center locating ring from the face plate leaving only 6mm. Cleaned up the faceplate as well. This means I can use almost all the shaft for sprockets.