Thread: Eaarth
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Old 08-19-2010, 11:18 PM   #32 (permalink)
Weather Spotter
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So? the earth has never been in a stedy state, things are always chanig. Is this bad? "If" we evloved as a part of the change, we can also die off.

I think that people view of eternity has a huge impact on how they treat the earth. If this is the only place we have than the upmost care should be taken. Since I know that "the earth will will be distroided with a fervent heat" and that God will make a "new heaven and a new earth" why should I get woried about this one? God made this earth, He can fix any problem we make. Also this is not my final home, Heaven is. That puts things into perspective for me. If you do not belive this, than you must belive in somthing else. I can trace it back to faith one way or the other, you must belive in God or you believe there is not a God who made the universe. Faith is the evidance of what we do not see. None of us saw how the earth came into beeing so we must have faith in somthing.

You pick.

I choose to belive in a caring God. If I am wrong, what have I lost? If I am right I avoid an eternity in Hell! If nothing else I am making the safest choise.