I was gone all day, but while I wasn't at home, T.E.D. was faithfully tracking my household energy use.
To have most of a day's energy use makes it a whole lot more interesting.
Here are two graphs from the TED software. The one has notes I added.
(Click the bar to make the images full-size - they will be much easier to read.)
The first chart is what you see as a "live view". The line chart constantly advances, and any change in power is seen more-or-less real-time.
Energy seemed to peak when using the dishwasher, the microwave oven, and when the well water or graywater pumps were running. During the day, energy use was as low as 88 watts when the fridge was cycled off, and around 212 when it was cycled on.
I added in the yellow line to represent how much power I could get from my 48V UPS used as an inverter for a battery backup system. As you can see, it would supply enough power for everything but turning on the dishwasher.
The second chart is a cumulative energy use per hour. Since it is set to hourly, and measured in KWH, basically that's that average watts used that hour. Note that the chart maxes out at not much over a KWH.
It's pretty cool to have a visual record of energy use.
The Kill-a-Watt can't do that!