Hey Cheese,
Looking great so far. I'm not going to rag on you like Frank, "why not just get a Prism grumble grumble." It's called ecomodder, not ecoshopper. But that's beside the point.
I looked at your fuel log and noticed you attributed some fuel economy improvement to running on premium. I think premium may actually have held you back.
Your engine is rated to run on regular. I don't know if you have the carb or the (shudder) Renix TBI, but I'm pretty sure in either case the system isn't sophisticated enough to tell what kind of fuel you're running and make the most of that. Since premium is formulated to be less susceptible to detonation - and more reluctant to ignite in general - there's a possibility you've got some unburned fuel going out the pipe. Add to that the fact that premium actually has fewer BTUs per pound of fuel than regular, and you're starting from behind. Save your money at the pump and burn the cheap stuff.
Looking forward to seeing how your project comes out.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.
Last edited by elhigh; 09-05-2010 at 03:29 PM..