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Old 09-05-2010, 04:18 PM   #41 (permalink)
I have to start over?
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 214

Big inefficient truck - '94 Dodge Ram 2500
90 day: 12.1 mpg (US)

Honda Civic - '84 Honda Civic DX Hatchback
Thanks: 2
Thanked 8 Times in 7 Posts
Thanks for that insight, eligh. I do, unfortunately, have the *shudder shudder* renix TBI. It also controls the spark advance, so the distributor has some huge contacts that cover about 80 degrees of the rotation.

I just looked in the electrical manual for my truck (dang handy, eh?) and the ECU does not seem to have any hookup for a knock sensor. I don't know how it decides how to time the spark, other than looking it up on a table and/or using the coolant/air temps and engine speed.

However, the engine does seem to run differently when on premium than when on regular. This could be entirely the placebo effect, but I doubt that. On the other hand, the first time that I ran premium in my truck was before a highway trip (filled up 7-5-10). The engine seemed to be running much smoother and had a more noticeable power band. When I filled up after arriving, I put regular gas in it. The part that leads me to suspect that there is a difference is that I killed it 3 times while pulling out of that station (my TBI circulates fuel from the tank to the injector regulator then back to the tank, so the new fuel had reached the injector by then).

So, I conclude that I cannot scientifically conclude anything with my current data. I've been thinking that if I alternate putting premium and regular, I can get some more data.

Just keep in mind that I care about the best miles/dollar. If it costs more PER GALLON to run more efficiently, as long as the added efficiency offsets the gallon cost, I am happy.

On a different note, what do you guys think of the general safety of this mod? It occurs to me that I have made an attachment that goes about 4 feet behind the bumper, and ends below the bumper. It is not very high visibility. Granted, I want to put some red lights on it to double the turn signals and make one that is on with the ignition hot.

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