Originally Posted by Ecobalt
There have been occasions when I just slowed down to a stop on a quiet road. Got funny looks.
I don't think I would slow to a stop but I think it is polite to allow a 'slower car going faster' to pass by slowing on an empty straight part and using my indicators to signal to the side.
The last time I went down the A702 (twisty but with overtaking places in Scotland) I let a Ford Ka (75hp 1.3 Petrol) pass me (140hp TDi) - she was enjoying her small car and the corners, I was in no rush saving fuel. She waved, I was happy. Job done. She wouldn't have made it safely otherwise and all I would have had was a tailgater.
In the old days this pulling over was part of the learning process of driving in the UK but unfortunately it seems to have been removed.