I would talk to Linear Logic about your display errors. It sounds to me like a problem with the conversions of the raw data into decimal values.
When I tune an ECM I normally program in aggressive DFCO values as possible. DFCO does create a lot of engine braking, though it is possible to reduce this down to a minimum by setting the DFCO IAC steps to the maximum value of 255. This reduces the engine vacuum during coast-down DECEL, but be aware that if you have a manifold pressure sensor it is often used as one of the threshold parameters for the DFCO logic routine. That means that if you reduce engine vacuum too much after DFCO is initiated, then it will just kick back out of DFCO. There is a hysteresis that will keep DFCO from pulsing on and off.
Also, there is a parameter to unlock the TCC when DFCO is activated, which will reduce the amount of time that you can keep DFCO on. I like to keep the TCC locked and the lower limit TCC threshold as low as possible to prevent unlocking during coast-down.
I always run filters on my PCV system, but during DFCO most of the oiling will be coming from the intake valve guides and past the piston rings.
I will try to post some of the calibration and code for DFCO that is used in my 1991 Chevy truck.