So does this all mean there are no gains to be had going from a wider to narrow tire? All this points to everything being a big catch 22.
At the very least I know my current performance tires are not anywhere close to a LLR tire, and the potential gains of switching to a LLR are probably at their greatest.
Would we not all be rolling around on the widest tires available if they key to minimizing resistance was a wider tire?
Im very much in limbo as to what I should do.
Also did my alignment today, my measurements showed almost 1" of toe out. Im not surprised after all the new parts on it. I used some DIY skills on it and now im about 1/32" toe in. Drives about the same but I notice when its int he garage, it wants to roll a lot easier. I use to push it out if I didn't want to start it, now i just give it a nudge and it rolls out all by itself. The results from my 15 miles test drive showed about a 1mpg increase from before, but my speeds were a lot higher at times 60-70km/h before and up to 90 or so today with a couple boost incidents as well.
I think the lower temps here are starting to have a noticeable effect, Ive dropped a few mpg from when it was 80 outside, its about 55 now so maybe that accounts for lower numbers.
Last edited by Meph; 09-15-2010 at 06:21 PM..