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Old 09-16-2010, 10:51 AM   #31 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Old but Gold - '87 Volkswagen Jetta CSL
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Originally Posted by Vekke View Post
Less drag = less fuel
I was going to suggest that one. Short and sweet, balanced; two words on the left, two words on the right and even though you say a lot right there, it still seems to leave a little bit of mystery and might persuade the recipient of this card to investigate further.

As for the business cards: You have a good eye for graphic design and your BCards look good already. It's a tough choice between them. I like option B too, but I think you need to add something in there that shows a car's profile at the very least, like you have in option A. You need that to show people that you're talking about cars.

As for the top 10 Tips; that is also a great idea. People like free stuff and in this case to people not familiar with this site and the concepts behind all facets of hypermiling, this information is perhaps something they didn't have (know). The grammar needs some work

"1. Log your fuel consumption" would be a more correct statement.

"4. Inflate your tires +10%"

"5. Avoid carrying unnecessary load in your vehicle"

6 - I'm not sure I get that... perhaps you can say: "Accelerate slowly and smoothly"

Point 3 and 9 kinda falls under the same 'banner'. Maybe: "Anticipate driving conditions to avoid excessive braking" might work better.

These are just my suggestions

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