The last two times I passed through Tuscon, it was 105 F (or maybe C) with the windows down. I'm not sure how the place was colonized but I am certain that human beings were not meant to live there. Whenever I pass through, I am reminded of the poor soul who, chased by a bloodthirsty pack of wild pigs, had no recourse but to climb one of those horrible organ pipe cactuses and stay up there all night.
If I were to park my little black-top Smart Car there and roll up the windows, I would likely come back to a bubbling mass of melted plastic with an Ultra-Gauge alarm pulsing faintly through the goo. So it's no surprise to me that your Ultra-Gauge is giving out such high readings. It's a cry for help. Or perhaps it thinks it's an oven thermometer.
I'm still trying to figure out my LOAD GAUGE. Be patient.