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Old 09-30-2010, 07:53 AM   #20 (permalink)
Wiki Writer
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Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 236

bugler - '91 Mazda 626
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Good point, thanks for the comments,
now that i actually think about the titles the "proven" title is not very accurate. As it seems we are all agreeing here i changed the titles, they are current as follows

"Proven or unproven theoretically effective mods"
I considered breaking them out to different sections of proven and only theoretically effective mods but in the list users can see where a mod has been proven as it will have efficiency data associated with it.

I have also changed the unproven section to
"New Suggested Mods (Ideas or attempts) "
which is a bit more accurate than unproven mods.

I am open to suggestions of changing these titles or arrangement of the main page

Regarding acetone your probably right people will always argue the results and there is not much benefit in testing this one anyway.

I wonder if we can get a link to the wiki mod list main page from the +65 efficiency mod list page. This might help new visitors see the detailed info and how toos. There are also some mod pages that have been filled out very comprehensively and therefore may warrant a link from the specific mod in the +65 efficiency mod list to the wiki. Any with efficiency data from a few users would be good cantidates
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