Originally Posted by mwebb
if you use the 3tech economy cam do not use their +10 cam wheel .
because if you do it advances EVC Exhaust Valve Close to 334 degrees ATDC which does not allow all of the spent gases to escape into the exhaust before the exhaust valve closes
it is kinda like having built in EGR that never switches off
at idle or at WOT , which effectively decreases the engine size and reduces available power
in the geo metro forum
i have put up pressure transducer waveforms showing this with the OEM cam and the 3tech economy cam with the +10 cam wheel
i am using the 3tech economy cam with the OEM cam wheel , have not yet captured the pressure transducer waveforms to see EVC (it should be 344 degrees ATDC now ) but there is a noticeable increase in power .
How much advance is too much? The XFi camshaft is ground 6 degrees advanced compared to the base model camshaft. The 3tech economy cam has no additional advance ground into it.