chuckhumprey: On my gasser car, my best fuel mileage tank (70 mpg) was achieved by accelerating at 75% throttle and shifting at the idiot lights. Common knowledge umongst hypermilers is to keep acceleration just below open loop. Something about BSFC, electronic fuel injection, open/closed loop blah blah blah. 1 psi increase in tire pressure doesn't cut it. Warming the engine up is a total waste of fuel - but a block heater in a gasser is just so-so. A lot of those old-thinking carburated gasser tips don't apply. But you got lucky on the avoid jackrabbit starts with a diesel.
"Keep your pyrometer under 600°F and keep your boost pressure under 5 PSI when solo. Learn the combo for towing!" is a great tip. LRR tires (and tires pressed up to sidewall or higher) and aero mods should top the list. Up to the driver for the rest.
Very slow acceleration (target driving) up to speed seemed to net the best results in my diesel. Although not really practical in everyday driving I did a proof of concept 3 mile run, stop sign to stop sign, level no wind and achieved 42.3 mpg. Most of the acceleration was done with just the engine at idle and maybe slight throttle as needed for a descent shift into 6th, ending with a top speed of 40 mph with accelerater help. With more room, probably could have gotten up to the target speed of 45 to 48 and maintained a pretty descent mileage in the low/mid 30's through target driving and right foot control. So the potential is there if the driver wants it bad enough.
Thanks for the big rig/pickup tips slowmover from back in April.
my 2 cents