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Old 10-06-2010, 04:40 PM   #32 (permalink)
The PRC.
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Originally Posted by Clev View Post
My problem is that the law singles out mobile phones,
Mobiles were singled out especially because people whinged that it is not dangerous. The muppets at TTAC still moan that they can use a hand held mobile perfectly safely whilst driving but they are total wankers. There I said it, and will take no arguments on it.

But the law here is quite broad. For example one lady got done for eating an apple whilst driving.

Yeah I know, you think this is extreme but you have to remember that a lot of cars in the UK do not have auto trans. A lot still don't even have PAS so not using both hands is quite a risk really.

Yet this morning I passed a traffic jam caused by a crash on the A702 bypass. And out of the cars just getting to the crash I estimate 2/3 had drivers on the handheld phone - yeah, you are coming up to a cop standing in the road - good idea. Most were orange women too. Fake tan has a lot to answer for.

Originally Posted by robertwb70 View Post
Reminds me of the laws that make committing a crime with a gun a crime...

The real reason all penalties in this country aren't stricter is that the lawmakers aren't out to prevent ANY behavior they're out to monetize ALL behavior, which is an unfortunate consequence of capitalist society, everything is about MONEY.

If they took the persons license how would they get to work to make more money so they could pay their next fine??
I'm not clear on the point about guns, I am not a fan of them at all but I'm not going to preach about how I like living in a country where they can't be got hold of easily, and I like it that way tbh. To each his/her own.

On your point about people paying the fines, well yeah - that is where the system sometimes fails. For example if you don't have car tax the DVLA ( tax people) can clamp (boot) your car, tow it away and crush it unless you pay the tax and a fine. Except the tax is sometimes several times the value of the car so people just say f**k it and let them go.

Or they learn how to pick locks and remove the boot - which is legal as long as you don't damage it. One bloke removed the boot by picking the lock and then used it to lock the gates to his local DVLA yard, he is on Youtube somewhere.
[I]So long and thanks for all the fish.[/I]
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