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Old 10-06-2010, 06:31 PM   #35 (permalink)
The PRC.
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Originally Posted by Clev View Post
So what you're saying is that it's your opinion. Got it.

Originally Posted by Clev View Post
I had put together statistics on distracted driving from a couple of sources for a Fark flamewar once....
Okay. Flame war. Got it. er, I don't want one...

Originally Posted by Clev View Post
For instance, among the causes of distracted driving, mobile phone use was in the single digit percentages, right around the other things I mentioned--talking to a passenger, adjusting the radio, sudden movement of an object in the car, drinking, eating, reading, personal grooming, etc. All of those caused accidents at about the same rate. Yet, none of those things is specifically banned in the U.S., even though they were as likely, or even more likely, to cause an accident.

I found that on the web....
Why the feck (excuse me ) should every single stupid thing people do behind the wheel be specifically outlawed. Thankfully we have a reasonable prescribed crime which is

'Driving without due care and attention'

It has been around for ages. Seems pretty fair to me. If an evidence exists you were (for example) swerving and you were on the phone / chatting / eating / picking fluff out of navel / inventing fusion power instead of driving then this is the law for it. It is then up to the court to decide if you are guilty or not. You can argue stats there.

Originally Posted by Clev View Post
I drive a stick, so I use a Bluetooth headset. However, to use your logic, they should ban manual transmissions, since you have to take a hand off the wheel (and a foot off the brake!) to shift.

And the other third had turned off their radios, told their passengers to shut up and put down the bickies too, I'll bet.
I meant 2 hands to drive including gears. Joke here in the UK - if you are steering with one and eating an apple with another then where is your third for shifting etc - or are you a clever dick ?

No honest, I think we are on the same side - distracting stuff is bad. Take steps to avoid it. I have hands free too. I have a manual gearbox. I eat when parked. etc etc.

Originally Posted by Clev View Post
Has nothing to do with guns specifically. The point of the comment is that there are laws that make penalties for murder higher if a gun is used. It basically puts the focus on the gun, rather than the fact that somebody was murdered. Mobile phones are specifically targeted in the same way, even though they are but a tiny portion of accidents.
OK I understand this more now. I did tap my views and thats fine, I am not here to preach as I tapped - I get the point. Accepted and valued in my view.

Originally Posted by Clev View Post
That's awesome. I had no idea you could legally pick the lock.
Yep. UK law has lots of tricky twists and turns. If you are clamped generally and can remove it without damage to the clamp then you are free. Clamping (except the DVLA) is illegal in Scotland which although we are part of the UK has its own legal system. However even the DVLA clamp can be removed without charge if you don't damage it.
[I]So long and thanks for all the fish.[/I]
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