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Old 10-18-2010, 11:21 AM   #231 (permalink)
Grrr :-)
Nerys's Avatar
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Levittown PA
Posts: 800

Cherokee - '88 Jeep Cherokee
90 day: 19.44 mpg (US)

Ryo-Ohki - '94 Geo Metro Xfi
90 day: 50.15 mpg (US)

Vger 2 - '00 Plymouth Grand Voyager SE

Ninja - '89 Geo Tracker
90 day: 30.27 mpg (US)
Thanks: 12
Thanked 31 Times in 25 Posts
"If you have such a large sampling example, then why would you want any of us to experiment with our cars Nerys."

Because I am ONE PERSON and that is NOT valid evidence especially to politicians who are making MONEY from ethanol adoption.

I need results from more than "just me"

"Avoid the cussing, I think it is a violation of forum rules."

was not aware I cursed. I will review my post and edit out any curses I find. I apologize.

"Your last post precisely demonstrates Frank Lee's statement about you digging a deeper hole for yourself."

so what hole did i dig exactly?

"If we went through the energy and high cost (360 mile round trip for me, are you going to do that because I tell YOU to do so. I doubt it)."

I honestly don't understand this statement? what are you trying to say? I don't want people to go that far out of their way. I want people WHO DO have local access to E0 to give it a try under some semi controlled conditions. Thats all.

"1 million miles.

You seem to think that a vehicle with 300+k miles should never see any decline in mileage."

Why should it? a properly maintained vehicle would have no reason to decline in mileage. That jeep maintained its 22+mpg average for over 300,000 miles. it was not until ETHANOL that the mileage changed.

now here is the litmus test for your presumption that its the age of (that one specific vehicle mind you) when I switch to E0 the mileage jumps BACK to where it usually is 22mpg. I think that kills your argument about mileage don't you think?

"At 20 MPG average that's 50,000 gallons of fuel." (22mpg)

"Your sampling example of 10 cars supports your belief that ethanol is the cause of your problems.

OK, you are right."

I think I am right. the data SEEMS to indicate I am. thats why I want to TEST and not assume.

"The real question is what do you do about it. Is ranting here, calling me and others names, and in general acting pretty nasty got you one more mile out of whatever fuel you are using out of any one of your cars in a million miles."

Only when you act nasty to me. I am sorry but this is reality old mechanic. when your nasty to someone THEN TEND to be inclined to be nasty in return.

what I want is to wake people up to what is going on here. Educate enough people (OR find out I am wrong and fix my problem)

the only way to effect change is by getting enough people together to DEMAND the change.

"I think you already know the answer."

Yes I know the answer. you be nasty and snide with me I will be nasty and snide in return. Non negotiable. Non optional.

Be civil to me and I will be civil in return.

"My log shows my mileage for quite some time, several different vehicles, and tens of thousands of miles.

Every single mile was on E10, except the Corolla, on a trip to Detroit, 4 YEARS AGO."

alas all your data is E10 so its not useful to me unless you can do a few tanks on E0 but it appears you do not have easy access to it.

"I think Pale Melanasian has just seen the fuel in his area switch over to E10, and he gets unreal mileage in his 96 Honda, mostly due to his driving techniques and a very specific low speed commute."

would be interesting to see his results.

"Maybe he can give you a percentage difference in regular E0 vs E10 fuel.

95% of the total writing in this thread is repetitive rubbish written by you. Any other posters helpful suggestions are attacked and ridiculed by you."

Please quote me ONE TIME where I attacked or ridiculed ANYONE who did not first attack or ridicule me. just because you declare it does not make it so.

"We are not your problem, and you are not our problem.

Go on act like a jerk, maybe you could get better mileage by sticking your head out the window and screaming into your own slipstream.

That's what Frank was talking about. It was not over my head."

So frank you whatever come in here. Treat me like a jerk. I REPLY in kind and you cry foul? your joking right?

Let me be clear again. This is non negotiable. Non discussable.

You treat me civil I treat you civil.

you treat me nasty I treat you nasty.

that is the way it is. its not up for dicussion or negotiation. I adhere to newtons law of every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

You treat me nasty I will return equal nasty in the opposite direct back at you.

this is reality. you treat people bad they are going to REPLY bad back to you.