Originally Posted by lovemysan
I live in Kansas city. I can get by with all seasons. I also don't commute and don't drive in situations were black ice is an issue. To me its not worth the risk. I'm running a michelin harmony. Wonderful tires but I doubt they make them for your size.
For Minnesota I would recommend a set of winter tires also. Its cheap insurance.
KC here too and with Michelin "Green-X" Energy MXV4 XSE's -- I do end up driving in situations with black ice (although few tires will help you there).

Great RR, but again, probably not available in a lot of larger sizes. I've found them to be pretty durable with overinflation and potholes / rough roads.
A good set of treads aren't cheap, that's for sure. Snow tires -- well, it depends on how comfortable (and often) you'll be in the snow. Consider that you have to swap them out every year -- if you kept the steelies, maybe mount a set on those and swap them yourself to save on the mount/balance/stem costs each year.