Originally Posted by dbc1218
I looked into some of the suggestions and have come to a conclusion. No matter how you slice it if I remove the purchase price from the calculation of cost per mile, the Ruckus wins every time. the best case being if I only consider gas and maintenance costs, which makes the civic $0.14/mi and the Ruckus %0.05/mile.
This is purely financial. the real economics have to take more, less quantifiable, data into consideration. I don't plan on selling either of these vehicles any time soon. The scooter's fun factor cannot be denied, and the civic fills all my other transportation needs.
One other way to think about the perchas price is in terms of depreciation. Because its value is reduced over maney years; lets say 10 years then you only consume its value at a rate of 10% per year. If you look into the tax system for business, they have formulas and tables showing rates of depreciation for all kinds of stuff. By the way, thanks for the question, it generated some enlightening discusion.