Well my ultimate goal is NO pumped fuels for transportation. IE Electric.
then we can concentrate our energies on PRODUCTION of said energy.
I don't really care about the lifespan of the batteries once the range 100 miles and PRICE under $14k are met since once we have a mass switch to EV I am confident INSIDE of this generation we will solve the lifespan problem of the batteries.
then we only need to solve production to solve all problems. this ALSO solves the control issue. since IT IS possible for people to make their own electricity there is a level of control that can not be taken away.
with gasoline or any pumped liquid fuel the consumer has little to ZERO control.
even at half the price E85 won't even run in my car. What is the point of half price fuel if I have to buy a $20,000 car I can not afford?
it simply will not save me money and the worse fuel economy will almost entirely eat up the "half price" price tag making it NO different that just leaving things alone.