Originally Posted by Nerys
Biodiesel? you call that green? not even close. for YOU sure yes for YOU as one single solitary individual its "greener" but biodiesel is a non starter we CAN NOT DO IT for everyone there is not enough restaurants using enough oil to make it work.
and define BLENDS. blends is not greener. blends of what? E10 is a BLEND and it sure as hell is not greener.
Biodiesel is green, the trouble as you state is with supply, that supply could increase massively if Coal fired power plants would have an algae field with specific deep sea micoorganisms run off their exhaust plumes. Whatever amount of coal they made could be converted by algae & micro organisms into oil and materials that could be made into alcohols.
You see the problem is with HOW we produce these fuels, not really the fuels themselves.
If ethanol based fuel was half the price of true gasoline would your tune change? E85 here used to be half the price of regular (and during that time I was burning a 50/50 mix in my buick which got the same FE on that mix as e10)
I agree there should be choice in the market but I also believe there is potential in alternative fuels, just not from corn and soy and I agree that there are many times fuel economy hits.
Also you may find other alternative fuels like butanol if blended with other heavier and lighter organics would not affect your fuel economy.
We need to be vocal against improper means and poor business models, not against the ideas or the fuels themselves.