Lead did not effect fuel economy - lead was a poison real and serious. REMOVING the lead actually made gas cleaner and safer. Removing lead did not kill fuel economy while the government claimed it was cleaner and greener and cheaper.
There was real tangible benefits to society in eliminating lead from our fuel.
there are NO tangible benefits to adding ethanol to the fuel as a compulsory upgrade across the board.
There was "lead substitutes" available for older cars that actually did need the lead to for example help seat valves.
There is no "method" or "addition" to remove the ethanol side effects from E10 for incompatible cars. Not only that but it does the exact OPPOSITE Of what they claim. its dirtier not cleaner. its more expensive not cheaper and it increases our foreign oil usage NOT decreases it.
Apples and oranges to compare with leaded gasoline.
Does not matter if new cars get cheaper over time. not ONE of them comes close to the function of miles per gallon of my current cars. SO what was the purpose of changing the fuel? did you read my post where I compare my "old" cars (100% of my daily drivers are FUEL INJECTED btw none are carburated) to the NEW CARS and the new cars actually get WORSE fuel economy than my older cars?
My 92 E150 19mpg the NEW E150 2011 club wagon 17mpg
My 96 voyager 28mpg the 2011 Caravan (voyager caravan SAME thing) 25mpg
So explain to me what is the point of the E10 fuel? it has NO redeming qualities except to monsanto and a government pretending its greener. its the exact opposite in every aspect.
The only vehicles that might be comparable are hybrids and they have ZERO resale value past about 5 years since the battery pack become suspect at that point.
Worse it uses massive quantities of FRESH WATER a extremely at risk natural resource we are running out of all over the country.
The idea that most are positive from the 90's is something I call BS on. I think they SELECTED cars that would result in positive results. Explain how all of my cars are seeing over 20% loss in FE and thousand and thousands of others are seeing the SAME results.
how many people have NO CLUE because they don't track their FE ??
"E85 is at least 3/4 a gallon of Gasoline, Methanol is half. The double rule of thumb is what Methanol racers use as a guideline and does not apply to E85 at all. E85 uses more like 1/3 more fuel,"
I call BS on this. because on E10 I am already using nearly 1/3 more fuel.
maybe that statement is true on vehicles DESIGNED for E85 but it sure does not apply to mine.
"And windshield washer fluid is Methanol mixed with water and it is even more corrosive than Ethanol."
Hmm I trust you know what your talking about so maybe it something else I am removing from the fuel is whats being destructive to my paint but I can tell you this.
Washer fluid does not appear to harm my finish while the water ethanol I remove causes visible damage in minutes.
if its not the ethanol since you say the methanol is worse then it must be something else also coming out of solution with the ethanol.