Thread: Eaarth
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Old 11-01-2010, 12:27 PM   #90 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
Adding insulation (carbon dioxide) doesn't have instantaneous heating.
It's not just adding insulation.
We've kept the fire burning (the Sun) all the while.
Increasing the insulation and keeping the massive solar energy input should have driven up temps rather quickly considering the kind of atmospheric heating the sun can achieve daily.

There are no general scientific questions about global climate change and the fact that humans are causing it is well established.
There are immense questions about what is causing global climate changes.
It's far from certain CO2 is indeed driving that process.

We have passed the equilibrium threshold level of ~350ppm.
How can scientists talk about an equilibrium, and fix a number for it, when it's not even certain wether CO2 is actually driving global warming ?

Why is it that this piece of science is questioned?
Evolution is totally settled science, and yet many people question it.
Evolution is questioned out of retarded religious beliefs.

Global warming is not questioned because of religious beliefs, it's questioned because the science and scientists behind the claims have been questionable - starting with the now infamous hockey-stick.

Same for flat-earthers, and for those who believed that the Eaarth is the center of the solar system.
Anyone who went out to sea knew the earth wasn't flat.
They could all see it curving.
Likewise it has been known for ages before JC that the earth rotated around the sun.
It only became blasphemy later on when it was "well established" in temporary publications by a very influential publisher that everthing rotated around earth.

Like it has now become blasphemous to question human-induced, CO2 driven global warming.
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