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Old 11-04-2010, 07:14 PM   #15 (permalink)
Weather Spotter
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Max - '14 Ford C-Max SEL
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I went looking today. Every one I asked (in a yard I ask first) and was told that they had to be given back? I figured out that they reuse them around here. I was bummed. Stopped by some campaign HQ and no one was around. A relative was in town and saw them taking down signs and asked for me, I got one broken one and an idea to call for more. I called 3 places and got 2 "will call you back once we know how many we have that are damaged and take all you want" I could go get one or two now or wait till next week when they are all collected and have a bunch

Fill up the shed time!
If I get a bunch of them like I think I will, do any MI members need some? Go look in your area but I might have some
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