My VX is acting just like you have described.
Except I noticed that if I am going a steady speed, about 60mph and
then let go of the gas then quickly reapply, it also does it then.
It beats the hell out of me whats wrong.
Here is what I have tried.
Replaced Spark Plugs, Distributor, Fuel Filter, Air Filter and totally
hallowed out the whole cat converter (shhh).
Also I have tried all sorts Fuel Injector cleaners and Gas Stabilizer,
but nothing seems to work.
Oh yeah I also took off the gas tank and took a look inside to see
if maybe there was some gas contaminants or something off the
wall like that in there but nope it was clean as a whistle inside the tank.
I have always used full synthetic 10W30 for my oil.
This VX has done 3 trips of 4,500miles straight highway with this problem but I want it fixed.