Originally Posted by Chuck.
The "anti-aero" rhetoric...
I've seen a bit of it myself, and if it's not strictly an attempt at branding, it is a bit puzzling.
Phil (I think) once made an analogy I really liked about aero mods: they're akin to adding more insulation to a house, or fixing an old house that had a poor insulation job to begin with.
You could of course ignore the potential for improvement and choose to stay warm in your poorly insulated house through "technique" alone (jumping jacks in the living room? Long underwear and lots of sweaters?). Or you could put in a bit of work/money to fix the insulation.
And then you have the option of saving
additional energy by turning down the thermostat and continuing using technique/jumping jacks ... or you can leave the temperature setting where it was before and enjoy the added warmth with no additional energy used. ...Or some combination of the two.