Trip update:
I drove to SC and back this weekend, long drive (14 hr each way). Due to the time I decided not to ecomod down and back
I did not want a 14 hr drive to turn into 16 hr. So I drove like a normal person (with traffic or ~speed limit). I knew my MPG would suck but I thought it would be a good try of the aero mods. ABA testing predicted a 4.5 MPG gain.
Trip numbers:
1800 miles
45.99 gal
39.14 MPG
$ 127.78
I can compare this to a trip last year to a different location but before I started ecomoding and I got these numbers:
1140 miles
33.53 gal
34 MPG
With a minor trip adjustment the ABA testing was right on the money
So I can drive like a jerk and get 38MPG or drive like a grandma and get 45MPG.
Speed makes a huge diff. 52-55 MPH is just right for FE and it drops linearly up past 75 MPH.