Engine off, lights on...
Do most of you (with ICE only vehicles) who engine off coast do it at night? I have really good coasting opportunities, being as most of my local driving is hilly, but I`m hesitant to shut down the engine when I need my lights. I don`t THINK it would hurt anything for short (under five minutes) coasts, but I`m not sure.
Also, I`ve seen a few mentions of danger involved in engine off coasting. I`m curious- is it considered to be more dangerous to EOffC with ignition on even in a vehicle without power steering and brakes?
EDIT: My vehicle doesn`t have a voltmeter. I`m guessing that might be the deciding factor in whether of not it`s reasonabe to kill the engine with the lights on.
Last edited by bdesj; 11-12-2010 at 01:30 AM..