Originally Posted by bdesj
I`m curious- is it considered to be more dangerous to EOffC with ignition on even in a vehicle without power steering and brakes?
Check out how your car behaves with the engine off, in a safe environment.
I've tried engine-off-coasting, and while I could get used to the lack of power steering, the brakes quickly got rock hard even at low speed and the car barely stopped. It's that bad that engine-off-coasting is out for me.
Coasting with the engine on isn't that bad.
If the engine uses 1/4 gallon/hour, you're still getting 40mpg @ 10mph.
Depending on how your car's light
switchology works when stopping and cranking the engine, it can get very inconvenient and put a lot of cycles on the lights which will wear them out faster.
My lights go out when quiting the engine, so I need to turn the ignition to pos II to bring them back on for legal and safety reasons, then the lights go out again while cranking up.
So every engine stop adds 2 cycles to the bulbs.
As a result, I keep the engine idling at night.