Going back to the volt for a sec (i know, ON topic, weird huh!)
I'm not gonna search back through 13 pages of posts but i was told in a round about way not to compare Volts with Euro diesels - and then i saw a thread on here about the Cruze XFE. now its quoted FE is better than you can extract from the Volt, has a longer range, uses the same basic floor pan, same basic engine (except the Cruze even has a turbo bolted on) and will be sitting on the same sales lot at the Chevy dealer.... and I've got a feeling its going to be a lot less than $41,000...... sub $19k IIRC
how many miles of driving on electric until you've re-couped $22,000?
are you guys taxed on Co2 yet?
good things come to those who wait, sh*t turns up pretty much instantly
Last edited by robchalmers; 11-12-2010 at 05:08 AM..