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Old 11-13-2010, 03:29 AM   #139 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by rmay635703 View Post
This post doesn't make any sense^^^

1995 Volvo 940

The volvo is about 3000lbs the modus is about 2600lbs. So on a per cubic foot basis the Modus weighs more.

next tests like this one don't prove a lot; that type of impact even when the cabin survives is usually going to put you in a world of disability and that type of crash is relatively rare compared to side blows and lower speed impacts.

Also that paticular impact and paticular set of cars is a unique situation change it a little and you might see different consequences.


Side impacts wise the Modus does better than the volvo or even the later S.I.P.S volvos. And it won't leave you in a world of disability because of the force limiter in the seat belt etc. NCap test for torso-internal decceleration (organ force) as part of there rating and the Modus Like other 5star cars is very good at limiting the force applied to you - you'll feel it don't get me wrong!

@Ben - I know Its like apple and oranges but at the end of the day they have to sell the car and Buyers normally vote with their wallets. Unless they have a dispossable income and who outside of China has one of those!!!
The other thing i'd worry about is resale, as with anything touting itself as frontline techIt'll be superceded VERY quickly which is going to hurt residuals and finance packages based on a end term car value. I mean as soon as the Gen3 prius came out Gen2 values dived round here (to the point where I was almost tempted!)
good things come to those who wait, sh*t turns up pretty much instantly